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Deliveroo is closing operations in Hong Kong
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🚚 Winest.HK (全港即時送酒) - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
🚚 Royal Indian Curry House - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
🚚 甜蜜堂 Sweet Mall - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
McDonald’s & McCafé | 麥當勞 & McCafé
McDonald's 麥當勞
Sun Kee Chicken Congee 元朗新記雞粥
北方餃子源 Northern Dumpling Yuan
餃里 Gaolay
sen-ryo 千両
韓食媽媽韓國料理 HanSikMaMa Korean Restaurant
⭐ 天然豚骨拉麵專門店一蘭 ICHIRAN Ramen
正斗粥麵專家 Tasty - Tai Koo
Malacca Cuisine 馬六
Yuen Long Sun Kee Cafe 元朗新記冰室
新鴻峰餐廳 Sun Hung Fung Restaurant
Chrisly Cafe 華星冰室
⭐ Fittery
Dirty Pizza
功夫點心 Kung Fu Dim Sum (筲箕灣)
Mint & Basil
意樂餐廳 Itamomo
王林記潮州魚蛋粉麵 Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodle
肯德基 KFC
越北牛肉粉專門店 North Viet Pho
魚鈁 Fish Fran Restaurant